“Citizen of honour”


Artist painter Jacky Duyck is nominated as the first “Citizen of Honour”
in the history of Dilbeek.
The mayor and and the councilors from Dilbeek agreed unanimously to accord
on April 25th 2006 the honorary citizenship to Jacky Duyck.

 He merits this title due to his longstanding commitment to the
flourishing artistic life in Dilbeek
The cermony took place in the city hall on September 2nd 2006.

Jacky duyck declared Citizen of honour in Dilbeek
Jacky duyck declared Citizen of honour in Dilbeek


If someone can paint with such an inspiration and skill that the spectator cannot tell anymore weather
it is abstract or figurative, or even better, call it abstract and figurative, that all labels –
so appreciated by critics and specialists – ultimately fall off as unimportant…
if someone can paint in a way we can reach emotionally and intellectually the essence of painting,
of the painter himself, we cannot but be grateful. Let us never forget that an artist keeps giving presents.
Rudi Van Vlaenderen

Interesting information

Under the BIO heading you will find as well a detailed as a short biography containing all important dates of the life of the artist, completed with anecdotes.

Some space has also been foreseen to create a photo album, allowing you to browse the life of Jacky ont he basis of pictures.